In-app copy for new mobile feature

Capital One


Welcome Experience


UX copywriter


Q3 2022

After collaborating with product and tech partners to define content patterns for the app’s onboarding experience, I also wrote the copy for its first topic, introducing users to the app’s feed. This first welcome experience resulted in a 57% lift in new users to the feed over a span of 30 days.


Engagement with the feed was low, so this first campaign targeted active users who had not yet tapped on the feed tab in their home screen.


- Partnered with product, tech, and UI/UX design teams to work within technical and spatial constraints to deliver a persuasive customer experience.

- Followed content design patterns and stakeholder input to iterate on copy that balanced business objectives and user needs.

- Leveraged feed landing page and marketing email copy, which I also wrote, to ensure consistent messaging across channels.